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Maintaining Your Roof this Fall

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Tips to Maintain Your Roof in the Fall 

 Do you notice twigs or other debris piling up on your roof?

Do you keep your gutters clear?

Early in fall when leaves are just starting to turn, you should check your roof to make sure you avoid excess weight.

Here are some easy tips for maintaining your roof this fall:

  • Check for fallen debris: twigs, leaves, and other fallen debris should be cleared. Avoiding debris buildup helps avoid issues like erosion.
  • Keep your gutters cleared: gutters can get clogged easily in the fall. Keeping your gutters clear can reduce water damage and protect your roof.
  • Add a gutter guard: installing a gutter guard prevents leaves, pine needles, and other natural debris from piling up in your gutter.
  • Check for leaks: leaks during the winter can cause a lot of damage which is harder to repair in the cold season. Catching leaks early on helps reduce potential water damage in other areas of your home.
  • Schedule maintenance: maintenance will help spot any warning signs of potential damage! Working with Ann Arbor residential roofers can help you save money on repairs.

Keeping up with your roof is an essential part of maintaining your home. If you’re unsure about your roof’s health, schedule a free roof estimate!

Maintain Your Roof This Fall – Work with Residential Roofers in Ann Arbor

If you’re eager to avoid costly roof repairs, you should work with residential roofers in Ann Arbor. Call us at (734)662-3300 or contact us today for your free and timely estimate.

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